Economic Responsibility

Brady Hotels & Apartments has an obligation as a business, to our staff and communities when it comes our economic goals. Our vision is to utilise our business platform in building a sustainable future. The impact of COVID-19 has massively exposed our strengths as well as areas of improvement, but overall, our position as a business to our economic responsibility, was highlighted during this time, through performed initiatives in areas of local employment, marketing strategies and economic return investments.

A vector icon used for local employment at Brady Hotels

Local Employment

Brady Hotels & Apartments was fortunate to sustain employment of staff during the impact and recovery of COVID-19. The strategy behind this was to provide opportunities of flexibility within limited work hours and reduced days, which was a full commitment by our team. We worked closely with each staff member to retain employment during these challenging times of economic, emotional, and mental responsibility.

A vector icon used for sustainable footprint at Brady Hotels

Sustainable Footprint

An important contributing factor to our economic sustainability is our approach and plans for a greener future. The practices in place since opening Brady Hotels & Apartments has drastically resulted in financial investments and returns. We continue to save while contributing to maintaining our environmental, social and ethical vision. 

A vector icon used for Non-profit organizations at Brady Hotels

Non-profit Organisation

We had the opportunity to not only assist our staff with employment during recovery of the Pandemic, but we continued our economic responsibility in donating a complimentary night’s accommodation to the Non-profit organisations on request and continue to support the local community.