Brady Hotels Corporate Policy
Brady Hotels strongly believe in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability and as a company, strive to reflect this in our every day operations.
What actions does Brady Hotels take to ensure human rights and protected throughout our operations and supply chain?
Brady Hotels only operate in Melbourne, Australia and are committed to respecting human rights. We expect high standards of human rights performance across our operations & supply chain. Our team lead by example with integrity, ensuring that the team do the right thing in the right way.
What actions does Brady Hotels take to ensure labour standards are protected throughout our operations and supply chain?
Brady Hotels only operate in Melbourne, Australia and as such meet requirements and follow the labour standard guidelines and pay rates set out by the Hospitality Industry (General) Award.
We follow this award to ensure the team have fair wages and employment agreement, work hours done do not exceed maximum hours set by the award. That the team experience fair and equal treatment and access to opportunity and enjoy a work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation. All workers' health and safety are protected in the workplace; and have access to fair procedures.
In our bi-yearly training sessions we discuss matters concerning identification of any issues and provide ongoing training to ensure that no modern slavery in our operations ever occur.
What processes do we have in place to monitor, minimise and report on the key environmental impacts of our operations and supply chain?
Brady Hotels both having been built in the last five years meet all the building regulation guidelines of water saving measures. energy efficient and safe for our guests.
We focus on:
Energy Conservation-
Use of Energy Saving bulbs
Encourage a "switch off policy" with staff and guests
Endeavour to print literature on recycled paper
Regular boiler checks
Purchasing of energy efficient equipment
Key card entry card system which automatically turns off the power when the room is not occupied
Reducing Waste Recycle/Re-use-
Recycle all paper, plastic, metal items where possible
Use recycled products wherever possible
Using environmentally friendly cleaning materials wherever possible and Micro fibre cloths
Recycle kitchen oils
Towel replacement minimisation to reduce laundry volume
What is Brady Hotels anti-corruption policies and practices?
Brady Hotels is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner and is committed to implementing and enforcing systems that ensure bribery is prevented. All staff are trained on risk assessment concerning anti-corruption and complaint filing procedures.
How does Brady Hotels drive sustainability outcomes across our buildings, operations and supply chain?
Brady Hotels, both having been built in the last five years meet all the building regulation guidelines of water saving measures, energy efficient and safe for our guests.
We focus on:
Energy Conservation-
Use of Energy Saving bulbs
Encourage a "switch off policy" with staff and guests
Endeavour to print literature on recycled paper
Regular boiler checks
Purchasing of energy efficient equipment
Key card entry card system which automatically turns off the power when the room is not occupied
Reducing Waste Recycle/Re-use-
Recycle all paper, plastic, metal items where possible
Use recycled products wherever possible
Using environmentally friendly cleaning materials wherever possible and Micro fibre cloths
Recycle kitchen oils
Towel replacement minimisation to reduce laundry volume